What’s this? A hero film + a full-blown branding and purpose articulation for a Croatian tech firm called Infobip.

The idea: Like wind, we see more of what technology shapes rather than the underlying tech itself. Enter The Bura, a powerful and revered wind that blows throughout Croatia clearing haze and lifting moods. And yes, it’s real.


Understanding Clears The Way

Hero Film

We’re driven by forces we cannot see. They compel us. Move us. Make the hair on the back of our necks stand up. Like the power of the wind. This wind began in Croatia where a group of friends took an idea from cobblestone streets to six continents on a gust so powerful it carried their technology to the far corners of the Earth. Each of us is carried by this wind, and together we’re a force to be reckoned with.
We cannot stay still. We must keep going. Parting the clouds and clearing the sky. Innovating and taking ownership. To bring clarity and trust to every device, person, conversation, and relationship. The world might not see us now, but they will feel us. And if these winds have taught us anything, it’s that you can see further once the fog is gone. Because understanding clears the way.


Write the code that rewrites communication


Be the invisible force that reimagines a world of conversation


Understanding Clears The Way



  • Our ideas sweep across the land like Bura. Bold, unannounced, able to change an entire landscape. What was once foggy can now be seen. We were raised on these winds. And now we are the ones who wield its spirit to shape conversations far beyond these shores.

  • When we soar with the wind, it’s easier to chart our destination. But we live for the pursuit. Every bit of knowledge lifts us higher. Every failure opens a new path. And every gust of brilliance elevates our crafts, not our egos. It’s our nature, and we couldn’t breathe any other way.

  • We can’t see the wind, but we can see the evidence of everything it touches. Our customers need the same. They count on us, look to us for answers, believe we can create what can’t be seen, only experienced. But they’re not asking us for just technology, they’re needing our trust.

  • It takes a diverse crew with even more diverse talents to navigate these winds. It’s those on deck, in the cabin, at the helm who must confront every challenge. Whether the sky is clear, or the path ahead dark, we’re kept afloat by the confidence that working together will see us through.



