Welcome, I’m Nate. If you’re a Creative Director or in recruiting, please stay. If this is a medical emergency, please go. If this is Emily, text me back. I did not know that was your cat. If you’re unsure how you got here and you’re really bored at your desk job, watch this.

Quick Hits

I’m a copywriter and brand storyteller of ~5 years,
but I’ve been working for 15 years.

In the before times, I was a musician and paid Bob Dylan.

During the primordial ooze, I did a stint in network TV.

And when the universe formed, I sold iPhones.

Click the quotes to see the work —>

I’m from North Carolina, so I use 'sir' or 'ma’am,' unless they say, 'Please, it’s just Linda.

I work well with a team in the trenches, but I can dig alone for solidarity sake.

I grew up on South Park, Tolkien, and Jackie Chan. So that’ll ink out somewhere in my work.

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